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Editing Services

I offer a variety of services to fit the needs of your project and bring your writing to life. My attention to detail and extensive schooling provide a solid foundation to improve the readability and structure of your work. Contact me if you wish to discuss the possibilities for your project!

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Type of Edit

Thanks for inquiring!

Partial Manuscript Edit | $225

This edit involves a thorough read through of the first 50 pages (12,500 words), taking into account details such as theme, title, premise, style, plot, character development and dialogue. Includes a 1-3 page written evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the piece.


Developmental Edit | $22.50/1000 words

Looks at the big picture of the story including, but not limited to character development, plot, pacing, structure, genre, etc. The objective of this edit is to hone the story to the authors vision, identifying strengths and discussing weaknesses.Recommended prior to a line edit.


Line Edit | $20.00/1000 words

An in-depth examination for typos, wrong words, misspellings, punctuation, run-on sentences. Examines the manuscript line-by-line, involves fact checking to ensure dates referenced are accurate, character descriptions remain consistent, and intentions are coherent. All issues are tracked and corrected. This edit should be completed after big picture issues when the manuscript is nearing its final stages.


Proofread Edit | $17.50/1000 words

A final scan of the manuscript for spelling mistakes, typos, wrong words, name consistency, once the manuscript has passed other levels of edits. Used as a final pass prior to sending it out on submission or self-publication.

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